Expats and Do-it-Yourself
Quite a few farangs here carry out do-it-it-yourself jobs in their homes. If the work is extensive and you are taking away trade from a Thai, it is technically illegal Though you would be unlucky indeed if it became an issue.
Most prosecutions, resulting in a fine paid to immigration police, result from other foreigners making a report about their neighbour’s activities. Some fellow expats can be jealous.
Edward has built a western style walk-in wardrobe in the master bedroom. He had been quoted 150,000 baht for the job but did it himself for 50,000. His 4 days labour has saved him a hundred thousand baht. He had been prepared to pay a Thai worker to do the job. At that inflated price, he was prepared to take a chance on not getting caught.
Tool hire shops for DIY are not common in Thailand. Many farangs have built up a collection of useful tools they have purchased and which they can share amongst themselves. Provided they are used only in their own homes, and no one is aware of the work being done there is rarely a problem.
What the eye does not see….
Price Differentials in Thailand
Prices to the expat community are usually higher than that quoted to a Thai family. Technically, price discrimination (on grounds of race, nationality, or gender) is illegal. But you only have to go to a national park to see that even state enterprises ignore the law.
Because labour rates are linked to the 353 baht minimum wage and are therefore not a significant contributor to total costs, construction projects in Thailand yield higher gross margins than in the West. Low wages result in low standards.
In the larger malls, there are often more staff than customers most of the time. High staff complements encourage slower working and the production of a lot of unnecessary and duplicated paperwork. Open a bank account and you will see what I mean.
Detailed stories, particularly on Thailand culture and Life Style can be found at www.MattOwensRees.com
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For professional photos on Thailand and the Thais, go to https://www.LodeEngelen.be