Humour isn’t the Same in all Countries
Different nationalities have different senses of humour. I recall being in a UK pub one overcast day in winter. A few of us were sitting round the bar when the barman commented, looks like rain, doesn’t it?
The fellow next to me raised his glass and sipped his beer. Yes, tastes like it too!
We all laughed including our barman.
A sarcastic joke like that, smacking of criticism of watering down the beer, may not have worked in Thailand. A blank look, walking away, or a more violent response could well follow.
Thai Humour
Thais prefer you to join in with their own brand of humour. They will love it if you join in with their karaoke, whatever kind of voice you have. Life is about having fun, sanuk.
When I dance, I show the world that I was born with two left feet. It matters not a jot to a Thai. Trying to dance the Thai Ramwong, their traditional dance with a lot of symbolic hand and body movement, guarantees much laughter and smiles. That’s the sort of joking and fun they enjoy. Here is a professional version.
Here is a professional version of the Ramwong
(If ctrl and click does not work, copy and paste into your browser window to watch the video)