Thais Can’t Question Their Teachers
Rote learning is not unique to Thailand
Until the middle of the twentieth century, rote learning was as commonplace in the UK as it is today in Thailand.
One advantage of rote learning in this country is that it trains the memory. Thais can recite word for word large chunks from books they have been told to study. Westerners would have difficulty in doing so. I know I would.
Why rote learning is bad
The weakness is that it discourages thinking for oneself and having a questioning attitude of mind. Pupils rarely ask their teacher anything. Thai education is a rather passive process. Being critical or putting forward a point of view is not a common feature. In fact, it is culturally frowned upon.
You don’t need to think
A former monarch said that he would “do your thinking for you” when addressing his people. It was said in a positive way, to help his subjects.
Will Thai Education standards ever change?
Rich Thais and those in power send their children abroad to be educated, the UK and Switzerland are the places usually chosen. They are quite content for ordinary Thais to remain relatively uneducated. They are then easier to control and will accept both government propaganda and the cultural norm that every Thai should know his place in society.
”The rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate”
I get annoyed hearing on the Thai forums that Thais are uneducated. It comes across as a criticism of the ordinary hard-working and decent Thai. It’s not their fault. That they don’t rise up against is due to years of being told to be subservient and respectful to those in authority.
About Matt Owens Rees
All my stories on Thailand are posted only after personal observation, research, and discussion with a wide range of Thais. They are not conspiracy theories or unaudited comments. All are well sourced.
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