The Continuing Riots in Leeds, England. 21 July 2024.
The Mainstream Media and most YouTube channels are following the “party line” that the riots, which started several days ago, are racist in origin.
Dr David Starkey, the respected expert on these matters, has said that the reality is that we have for too long ignored the real cultural reasons for such riots. His views and his logical reasoning can be heard and seen at
He also quotes from Patrick Nash to support his factual presentation.
The Media and YouTube.
Are the media and YouTube more interested in creating more unrest in Leeds, and other areas where there was rioting, in order to increase their viewing figures? Some of the language they use would suggest that this is true.
“Night of shame”, “urged to stay inside”, that the community felt “persecuted by the police”. The police had been routinely called out to a domestic incident. The media reported this as “hauling a young boy out of a house and bundling him into a van”. In fact, they led the children into a vehicle that was taking them to a child care facility as their parents had been reported as repeatedly abusing them. There was no persecution of the neighbourhood, people were asked to stay in their homes for their own safety.
Hindustani Times and India TV News kept misreporting events, a complete lack of unbiased and factual reporting. In fact, this area of Leeds is home to people of many diverse backgrounds from several different countries. Nationality and race were NOT the causes of the rioting. The suggestion that this was something to do with Islamophobia or attacks against Muslims is entirely false.
The Reasons are CULTURAL.
The area in Leeds where the rioting took place is a good example of tribal culture taking hold in a community. In Bangladesh particularly it’s the custom for a man to marry his first or second cousin, consanguine marriage. They would typically live in the same village. Apart from the likely result that the offspring of such marriages are likely to receive copies of the parents’ genes which can give rise to body and mental defects, more serious problems can arise.
Village communities in Bangladesh, and some other areas of the greater Middle East region, use this cultural tradition of inter-cousin marriage to form a tribal community made up of all those couples. And, often, that community will move to England in its entirety. Effectively, the middle-eastern village will be replicated in the UK.
They bring with them their entrenched beliefs, handed down from generation to generation without question and without challenge, of being of an extended family (the village tribe), a notion of communal property, an extreme right-wing xenophobia, and unquestioning obedience to their elders. These tribal societies live by their own self-declared rules of law and order.
Some Background.
India and Pakistan were separated in 1947, Bangladesh being a province of Pakistan. However, because it was 1800 kilometres from the nearest Pakistani province, it never saw itself as part of Pakistan. Bangladesh became an independent country in 1971, and is recognised throughout most of the world as a sovereign nation.
Even some of the commentators in the video referred to above fell into the trap of not accepting that Bangladesh has more extreme cultural differences from Pakistan. And certainly, we can see that the police and authorities failed to understand these cultural differences when trying unsuccessfully to deal with the riots in Leeds.
There was also, in the video, a confusing reference to the Roma population. Dr Starkey corrected that by stating that, unlike the media’s understanding, the Balkan Romas have no links to the Irish Romas. And neither are Muslim or Islamic anyway. Yet another example where YouTubers and much of the media get their facts wrong, resulting in the public unwittingly accepting false ideas and concepts about other people’s cultures.
Some Key Facts which Illustrate the Differences from Western Culture.
They treat their women and children as property. Education is not, in their view, necessary as only their own tribal rules, customs, and language need to be observed. Doing as one is told by one’s elders is obligatory.
In the West, individuality is encouraged. Not so much now in our Woke and politically-correct environment, but in the past thinking for oneself and questioning cultural ideas was expected. Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Equality were the cornerstones of our democracy. Regrettably, we did not learn that we needed to consider these concepts when we saw how these immigrant communities were changing society.
J D Vance, the republican nominee for vice-president, has suggested that, unless we address the current issues, the UK will become the first Islamic nuclear power. He advocates mass deportation to enable the end of the housing crisis in America. He believes immigrants are taking jobs away from American citizens. Vance’s wife is the daughter of Indian immigrants and she agrees.
That’s not everyone’s view of course but it is food for thought.
Unfortunately, multi-culturalism has gravitated towards the establishment of ghettos where these Tribes live apart from the rest of society. The idea of other cultures blending into Western life has not been realised. And that, in my view, is because we have allowed LARGE communities of both legal and illegal immigrants to enter the UK. Other countries have experienced the same problems. Government control in keeping the numbers small and monitoring how the immigrants are integrating into English society would have worked.
In the 1960s I worked in a copper tube factory in the West Midlands, the heart of industrial Britain. Although we employed several different castes of Indians, we never allowed them to work together. Each caste had its own work environment and were in small manageable groups. They had their own toilet facilities, eat at their own tables in the canteen. We respected their individual cultures. There was no fighting, rioting, or other disturbances.
These “no-go” ghettos have been allowed to develop by Western governments who have taken “the eye off the ball”, not observing and controlling the way these tribal ghettos were developing. We should have been looking at the underlying and real cause of these riots. It was not race, it was rather that we were not understanding a different culture from our own.
The problems were never about the race, nationality, or skin colour of the immigrants. The unseen problem was that they were forming tribal communities, separate from the actual communities they were living in. They brought in their own rules of law and order, refusing to accept our laws and democratic culture. Their cultural beliefs are different from ours.
The Way Forward, the Solution.
The view that we should improve the training we give to our community agencies is a convincing one. The cultural nature of tribal communities in these ghettos should be made clear to all involved with relations with these immigrants, everyone working within the community. The police, other emergency services, hospitals and care workers, staff in local authorities.
The old idea that these riots are race related must be dispelled forever. But this is the message that constantly comes across in most of the media and on the internet.
CTV cameras are abundant in that area of Leeds. Police controllers should have reacted immediately when unarmed care workers were surrounded by rioters. Residents should have been made to return to their homes, allowing the emergency services to arrest the minority of rioters left on the streets. Some rioters have now been arrested but it is all too late.
Drones could have been deployed to monitor the developing situation and to direct operations. Never again must we be slow to react to issues which are clearly culturally related.
We should not allow the immigration of inter-cousin married couples and their families. We have already discussed that this is the most important factor that has resulted in the creation of these tribal communities and the riots.